Ancient Sanskrit term for the womb which is "yoni".
Vaginal steaming has been around for centuries, and some say it can help increase energy, reduce stress and balance hormones.
“Also known as ‘V-steaming’ or ‘yoni steaming,’ vaginal steaming involves squatting or sitting over a pot of hot, steaming water that is infused with herbs,” explains Dr. Crawford. “A blanket is often wrapped around the lower body to prevent the steam from escaping.”
While this practice is newer to the West, vaginal steam detoxing has been linked to an ancient Greek treatment known as “fumigation.” This method involved sitting over a sealed jar of herbs that was heated up in a hole in the ground. A reed was used to transfer smoke from the jar into the vagina. Ancient Greeks believed that the uterus wandered around the body looking for moisture. Fumigation was done to keep it in place. Why? Because a traveling, thirsty uterus was thought to be the source of conditions like infertility and conversion disorder (formerly called hysteria).
It has been said vaginal steaming, or smoking, was practiced by some women as a way of maintaining wellness and their identity. Other women did it for a short time after childbirth. Other reasons for steaming the vagina included vaginal tightening or as an overall beauty treatment.
vaginal steaming benefits can be but no limited to::
- Balanced hormones.
- Detoxification of the womb.
- Faster recovery after childbirth.
- Fertility.
- Hemorrhoid relief.
- Increased energy.
- Fewer headaches.
- Overall pain relief.
- Stress or depression relief.
*Disclaimer must follow directions and listen to your body - no claims of medical diagnosis - DO NOT USE WHILE MENSTRUATING!!! DO NOT USE WHILE PREGNANT !!
1. Place 5 cups of water into your pot and bring to a boil.
2. Add 2 tablespoons of yoni steaming herbs to the water. Stir well.
3. Cover and steep with lid on for five minutes.
4. Turn off heat and allow water to cool with the lid on for 5 minutes.
5. Remove the pot with water and herbs from stove and carefully pour into your stainless steel or
glass bowl.
6. Position bowl under the yoni steam seat you have set up for yourself. The goal is to have the
bowl of hot water about 15 inches below your seat.
7. Disrobe from the waist down (except for warm socks) and carefully sit down on the chair or seat,
and begin to feel the steam rising up to meet you.
8. Wrap your legs and waist with a warm blanket to keep the steam inside. Note: The steam should
feel warm and gentle – if it feels too hot, separate your legs or stand up to avoid burns.
9. Stay sitting, wrapped in warm blankets, over the steam for 25 minutes. Take this time to visualize,
journal and/or gently massage your lower abdomen to encourage the herbal steam to work.
10. After the steam is finished, pour into toliet and flush - dress and preferably do not wear underwear rest of day/night.